Whole city masacacred by honor killings

verse: Gen 34.25-27
violence type: mass homicide

victim: Shechem and people in his town

After Jacob's dauther Dina has been defiled by Hamor, son of the king Sichem, Sichem, the king of nearby city came to see Jacob, to mitigate what his son did. He offered to Jacob whatever he wants as gifts and he offered his son to marry Dina. He offered friendship between his city and Jacob town. Jacob and his sons agreed, under condition all men in Sichem's city will be circumsised. Sichem agreed and ordered all men in city to do so. While they have been weak from high temperature from the painful procedure, Simeon and Levi went to kill all the people in the Sichem city. They masacred all men and took all posetions and women with them.
Executed by: simeon-and-leviSimeon and Levi
Victims: ~200